PTSC 2023-12-09 Barker 6 pack and Santa Sunday

Howdy folks,

The River keeps on expanding additional trails opening. Barker is opening this morning, along with the Barker 6 pack! 8:00 AM for first chair with Donny Pellitier! They have been blowing snow all over Barker and up Risky Business. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I am bored with Jordan and welcome the new terrain being available!

Santa Sunday is this Sunday. Be at South Ridge just before 11 AM to see all us Santas coming down the slope!

North Peak Lodge is open. Meeting there at 10 AM, Monday thru Friday!

Pot luck to be held at 5:30 Thursday, December 14 in the basement of the First Parish Church in Bethel, on the corner of Church and Park St. Bring your favorite dessert, entrée or appetizer. This is a church, there is no smoking or drinking on site. Board meeting is at 4:30 in the same location.

Facebook Page. If you wish to join the Primetime Ski club Facebook page, it is available here:
You’ll be asked 3 questions and if you agree to abide by the page rules. Once we verify this and that you are an actual club member, you will be accepted. The page is visible for now and the next couple weeks. After that we’ll make it a closed or private group. We don’t need to imitate the Sunday River enthusiast page. That is a fine group with plenty of good things there. This page is for Primetime activities amongst club members.
Bob McQueeney