PTSC 2023-09-24 Primetime weekend recap and looking ahead


We had a pretty good weekend up here in the Sunday River area. For the hike, we had 11 people summit Mystery Mountain, a dozen or so kayaked Round Pond and South Pond before the wind picked up. Due to weather concerns, the bike trip was canceled and many met at Camp for breakfast Saturday morning. 

I gotta say we had some pretty good participation for Primetime weekend, considering many folks live “away”. We had well near 40 people attend the potluck at the Jordan, 42 attended the Beginning of year dinner at Town And Country in Shelburne/Berlin, New Hampshire. We had 26 at the annual meeting. 
Membership. Folks, dues are due on October 1st. $15.00 for existing and previous members. $20.00 after October 1st. Superseniors. Please pay attention here. There are no dues required if you are a super Senior, attaining the age of 80 years old. We do, however, require that you notify us somehow. You can reply to this email, send a letter, simply tell one of the board members. It is not automatic. We need to hear from you that you wish to continue as a member. This entitles you to all privileges of membership.

Board Members. The current board members were voted back onto the board, each board member content to continue on, no one challenging. Though it is not yet “Official”, Bob McQueeney is President, Suzie Dubois is Vice President, Norm Schwartz is Treasurer, Donna Coe is Membership Chair and Cyd McCann is Recording Secretary.  

Budget. We have a somewhat larger than usual balance carryover in our budget. It appears we will be using some of this excess balance towards local charities associated with skiing and other recreational pursuits we all enjoy. We are also looking into new venues for our Pot Luck dinners, as we have grown to the point that we are overwhelming our current venues. We will have to pay a nightly rental fee of whichever hall we rent for the night. 

Our first Pot luck of the season will be scheduled for Thursday, December 14th at 5:30, with a board meeting just before it at 4:30 PM. The venue is TBD. 

Other activities that we can share together include Monday Movies at the Gem, Game nights, Bowling, Pickleball, cross country skiing, Ski trips to neighboring mountains. All of this is to be scheduled with details yet to be determined. Please feel free to arrange activities, I’ll be happy to post them out in our newsletters, and of course, word of mouth works well. 

Until the snow flies!!!

Bob McQueeney