Board update, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year Primetime!!!!!!!!!!!!
The holidays are over (yeah!!), the gifts are unpacked and the wrapping go bye-bye for another year. Time to focus on the important stuff like SKKKKIIIIINNNNGGG. If you haven’t been up to the mountain in the last week or so, you’re in for a surprise. I’d say about a foot and a half or two feet of white is all over the place. Sunday River reports 122 (of 130) trails now open. Lots of snow and it’s pretty terrific up here right now. Come on up but plan for a COLD season unlike last year. Throw in another pair of woolies.
Discount ski vouchers
There’s been a lot of interest in these recently and with a significant new member population at Primetime, I’m going to take a minute or two to explain all I can about the vouchers. These vouchers are given to corporations and businesses. Sunday River has been generous enough to include Primetime as an authorized user as well (thank you Boyne/SR). The Board of PT holds the vouchers for any member who has a need. Each voucher is good for about a 15% discount off the regular day ticket price (actual prices printed on vouchers), and each voucher is good for up to four day tickets (but only on any one day). Each PT member may receive up to three vouchers at any time (good for up to 12 tix) and may have more as they need. These are great for family or friends who don’t have season passes. The only restrictions are that a PT member (with membership card) must accompany the voucher to get ticket(s) at the ticket counter and the vouchers may not be sold.
Voucher access
See, call or email any Board member to obtain a voucher. Some carry them with them, some keep them at home, so getting ahead of the need is in your best interest. We’ve had quite a lot of interest recently, but without much notice. We don’t want anyone to lose out, so plan the need ahead so your family or friends don’t lose out.
Two tickets even cheaper
SR “rewards” use of the above vouchers by giving the Club actual tickets. The Board has established that to be fair to all members the best way to fairly handle these is to set a minimum value and allow all members the opportunity to purchase via a donation to Primetime. Effectively, this is an auction for two tickets (not vouchers, tickets) with an expiration date of February 15th. Please advise ME (me only) if you’d like to “buy” one or both of these two tickets. Minimum price: $30 each but you may “bid” higher and the highest two bids get them. Remember all payments are made to Primetime and go back into your Club’s kitty.
“Welcome Back” Potluck Dinner
Thursday, Jan 10th, 5:30pm at Betsy Kilkenny’s new home on Powder Ridge. “Bets” is welcoming all of us to have our traditionally busy January potluck at her home. Address is 51 Vail Drive which is basically all the way to the end of Powder Ridge. Here are my best directions:
Go toward Jordan, turn right onto Sunday River Rd, then right into Powder Ridge
Go all the way to the end which ends in a cul-de-sac
Turn around the cul-de-sac and take your first right (within about 1,000 feet), that’s Vail Drive
Betsy’s house is the third drive on the right (big sign “51 Vail Drive”
You can’t miss it.
Sunday River Brew Pub Special Event
Thursday Jan. 17th should be on your calendar however Suzie’s still working out the details for this special event. I’ll send you all the information in another notice within the next few days.
The Board is very happy to report that membership year to year has grown substantially once again. Membership as of 1/1 stands at 126 members. That’s an increase of about 12% over last year’s 113 (1/1/12). The previous year (2011) membership stood at 96. Further, the vast majority of this year’s non-renewing members have given up skiing. Many more people have become aware of Primetime now via word-of-mouth, articles in the local paper, and the SR website link. However, new members tell us that our own website is the place most people start their trek toward new PT membership. As a reminder, please feel free to invite any friends to visit our website ( or simply come visit us at North Peak.
Membership Phone List
We’re finished with the new membership phone list which was described in my last letter. The newest and latest list is attached including all new members as of this date. This will mitigate most annoyances and provide the greatest privacy possible to all our membership while giving all of you the opportunity to contact member/friends. Please review your contact information carefully and advise Anita for any corrections.
Ski Meetings
We should be ready to go for our 10am daily meetings. North Peak Lodge, upper level right (by the bar). That’s where we’ll be but don’t be too late as the skiing is terrific so we won’t be there too long!!
With a new year I need to once again remind all members that our website is a treasure trove of information.
  • NEWSLETTERS: ALL of these bi-monthly newsletters and all the information therein is stored on the website (Executive Board tab). All the newsletters back as far as Nov 2010 is available to you to scan or review.
  • EVENTS/ACTIVITIES: The most up-to-date information on all events is updated as we get it on the website. Go to the Activities tab and press Primetime.
  • DISCOUNTS: The same tab (right below our events) gives you our most up to date discount availability.
  • OTHER EVENTS: Our website (Activities tab) also links you directly to events happening on and near the mountain including events happening at Sunday River in Bethel, at Mt. Abrams, as well as MAS.
  • SUNDAY RIVER DAILY REPORT: Don’t bother searching for today’s SR information. It’s right on our website!!! Press the Sunday River Daily Report tab and be linked to the most up to the minute info from our home mountain.
  • PRESS: Each weekly submission to the Bethel Citizen is updated and posted to our website on the “Press” tab. If you miss a paper and want to read our submission have at it.
  • HISTORY: Unfortunately, the history of our club is scattered and some is completely irretrievable. That said, all history of the last two and one half years is documented and available to ALL MEMBERS on our website. While we can’t resurrect many year’s documentation, we have started the process whereby all members and any new Board may go back and see where we’ve been.
Your Club’s website provides many of you an unlimited amount of information about your club’s activities as well as what’s happening at your mountain and the surrounding area. The website is not only a recruiting tool for new members but a communication and historical benefit for all members of Primetime.
That’s all I can stand to write as I look out at the mountains of snow beckoning me. Let’s go do this!!!